Linear Text

linear text

Linear text is arranged like a continuum, therefore it is from beginning to end. It is also composed of the factors form, content, machinery, evolving, and rethinking. These factors show us how the digital world is changing. The digital world is changing because of the way people think. With the technology such as the computer people like myself are able to change the form , content, and rethink over our articles. We sometimes teach the computer because we enter different applications. As we get older writing the way we think and our choices of literature expands . Our mind frame develops new concepts just like the computer.

Content and form are two different things, which relates to Linear text. Content is the title of the document and the page source. Content is actually what is written. Form differs between whether or not we are writing a poem, novel, biography. It is the description of what our literature is stating. Therefore form would be how I write and content would be what I write. In the video I saw how the content changed and how the form of the display was provided. The form and content work together.

When writing in linear text we are more in control. This is because we teach the computer something new every time we use it. It's our choice to whether or not we will write in bold letters. We are in control of the machine. We are the ones who use different applications back and forth teaching the machine. Every time we click a different button the machine is changing.

Rethinking schools are very important. Simply because no student should be able to fade away. It doesn't matter whether or not cell phones or other technologies are in school. Just like the video I saw this world as of today is made up upon technologies. Teachers are to prepare students not only for college but for life, and the world ahead of them. Teachers need to help students shift academically. In this video Its not about memorizing facts for life or being tested on a certain subject. Its about finding out whether or not the student is capable of finding information, validating, synthesis, and communicating. When speaking about rethinking school it's not only about students. Its about teachers, academic, and the communication of a student and teachers relationship.

Form and content are generally more connected in the digital world of writing and reading. This is because there is more technology being produced. Technology helps student's because they are able to change the way they write and receive better ideas. These ideas help them become creative, which is where the form of writing takes place. There are different types of writing to choose from.

There have been so many changes in literature, which have enhanced my progress as a writer. I am able to change the form and content of any piece of my literature. Since there are so many factors of linear text, I am allowed to change, refrain, and distinguish my writing to whether or not it is a poem or anything else I seem to write. It helps me because instead of just writing a regular essay I get the opportunity to change and decorate my work. The fact is linear text is changing the digital world and I have witness a change in mys own writings.
© dekia alston 2009